Beans contain sugars that we humans cannot digest. When these sugars reach our intestines, the bacteria go wild, have a big feast, and make lots of gas!
Other notorious fart-producing foods include corn, bell peppers, cabbage, milk, and raisins.
A friend of mine had a dog who was exceptionally fond of apples and turnips. The dog would eat these things and then get prodigious gas. A dog's digestive system is not equipped to handle such vegetable matter, so the dog's bacteria worked overtime to produce remarkable flatulence.
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lørdag den 9. februar 2008
Mangler du lidt gas i maven? Som medlem af Bloggerwave kan du tjene penge på din blog. Gennemsnitligt omkring 50 danske kroner for et indlæg på cirka 50 ord. Det er sgu ikke meget arbejde for at tjene nok til en deep pan pizza med bønner og løg, hvilket kan give en helt vidunderlig mænge gas i maven. Du skulle tage at prøve det.

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